Certificate in Geriatric Counselling

Certificate in Geriatric Counselling (CGC)

In recent years, concern for the situation of e.....

Certificate in Geriatric Counselling (CGC)

In recent years, concern for the situation of elderly has led to rethinking and restructuring of specific problems of old age. In short, the main problems of the elderly such as health problems, financial problems, poverty, addiction, social exclusion, retirement, the ageism, abuse. One major health concern for those elderly who are tucked away from society is depression and the feeling of isolation. They are associated with social withdrawal and often with stereotyped behaviours. Therefore, counselling elderly more likely to be required in these situations. The absence of psychological support, presence of chronic diseases, family conflicts are factors that lead to depression among the elderly is very often undiagnosed and untreated. In this context, requires a multidisciplinary approach to social organization, strengthen family and community.

Specialized geriatric counselling and educational consulting for older adults and adult children of aging parents is a service that can provide valuable support, guidance and relief. Relationship counselling is to enable the elderly to freely express their problems, situation, relationships and even entire past, no matter how confused and think about them with his interlocutor. Specialist task is through a game of questions and answers, in helping the elderly to understand the situation, its difficulties and possibilities of solving them. In order to satisfy the requirements of such qualified and well trained personnel in the field of Geriatric counselling and assistance the SRC Community College intended to launch a Certificate  Programme in Geriatric Counselling. Details of the Programme are as follows.  


Name of the Programme :  Certificate in Geriatric Counselling

Programme Code :  CGC

Level of Programme :  Certificate

Duration : Six Months

Eligibility Criteria :  Plus two pass or equivalent

Course/Papers : Four  written Papers +Project+ Internship+ Practical

Medium of Instruction :  English/Malayalam

Contact Classes : 40 days

Mode of internship :  Internship at De-Addiction Centres/Old age homes

Project work : Project work in Geriatric Counselling

Scheme of Examination :  Four  written Papers =400

Project+ Internship+ Practical =200