Now- a-days parents and the school authorities are well aware of the problems of the learning backwardness of the children who are suffering from various ‘SPECIFIC LEARNING DISORDERS This probl.....

Now- a-days parents and the school authorities are well aware of the problems of the learning backwardness of the children who are suffering from various ‘SPECIFIC LEARNING DISORDERS This problem need to be addressed at an early stage to help such students to succeed in their academics and future life. But trained experts or training centres on LD are very rare. In order to assess, diagnose and provide suitable remedial support to the children with LD, the service of trained Learning Disability experts and professionals is necessary. This situation made SRC to think about starting a Diploma course on Learning Disabilities in distance mode, so that the working teachers, prospective teachers, aspirant teachers and unemployed educated persons can participate in this course. This course is more relevant in the context that CBSE schools are looking for experts to support the children with SLD and Special Education Needs (SEN).

This Diploma course will help the participants to acquire a deep conceptual understanding, necessary practical knowledge about various disabilities, expertise in identifying and providing support for the children with Specific Learning Disorders. We hope that this course will provide a vast conceptual understanding and necessary practical knowledge to work as an expert in the field of learning disability. As this course is designed as a credit system, those who pass the CMLD course can pursue the Diploma course in SPECIFIC LEARNING DISORDERS conducted by the SRC by spending 6 months more to become a professional in this field.